TREC Global

by EJ "Fullspeed" Dalius

TREC Global is a collective network, digital product suite, and community focused on success. Following my achievement of an eight-figure net worth, there has been a significant demand for my expertise and access to my network of professionals in the fields of cryptocurrency, real estate, and technology. In response, TREC Global was founded.

EJ "Fullspeed" Dalius

Eric Dalius is a seasoned marketer, investor, and crypto pioneer. He has grown multiple network teams to over 3 million in users and 1 billion in revenue. Over the last 7 years, Eric has leveraged his team of gurus to earn over $200 million dollars by using his personal wealth methodology.

over 3 million in users
$1 billion in revenue
$200 million earned with personal wealth methodology

Unlock your full potential

TREC Global has taken several key aspects into account: first, the journey of entrepreneurs from seven to eight figures, and second, the journey of newcomers aiming for their first million. We've crafted the premier online solution designed to deliver value across the board. Tap into affiliate opportunities to earn your initial commissions and access wisdom from industry titans aimed at elevating you to unprecedented success levels. At TREC Global, our mission is to support your achievement.

How does 
it work?


Our basic membership provides you with monthly network access, granting you a front-row seat to a Live Zoom project rollout led by one of our esteemed mastermind professionals.

This invaluable experience allows you to stay abreast of the latest trends in the marketplace and gain insights into the art of evaluating project deals. As a dedicated learner, you'll find each month's rollout archived in your network access portal, fostering a dynamic and active community environment for your continuous growth. Elevate your knowledge and seize this opportunity for just $150 per month.

Weekly zoom meetings with one of our mastermind professionals
Access to our content portal with articles, videos, and commentary by EJ Dalius and our other masterminds
Access to our exclusive “deal board” featuring recommended opportunities in Tech, Real Estate, and Crypto
Community Access to ask questions and discuss opportunities with our TREC masterminds and graduates.

Premium membership offers all the great benefits of our basic tier, plus exclusive access to live events, direct Q&A with our masterminds, and special monthly sessions only available to premium members.

This invaluable experience allows you to stay abreast of the latest trends in the marketplace and gain insights into the art of evaluating project deals. As a dedicated learner, you'll find each month's rollout archived in your network access portal, fostering a dynamic and active community environment for your continuous growth. Elevate your knowledge and seize this opportunity for just $1,500 per month.

Everything in our Basic package plus...
Access to live speaking events and experiences across the world, featuring some of the biggest masterminds in the business.
Attend private online events not available in our basic package.
Private Access to ask questions and discuss opportunities with our TREC masterminds and graduates.

Our Expertise


We're bringing together leading experts in the field to share their experiences and spotlight emerging projects worth your engagement. Within our community membership, you gain access to speakers renowned for their appearances at elite global conferences, providing insights and opportunities to further your financial aspirations.

Real Estate

By applying real estate tactics to preserve wealth, and combining them with cryptocurrency innovations, we've navigated past traditional constraints. Our goal is to bring to our groups insights and experiences from real estate leaders, highlighting the effective use of real estate in elevating net worth.


We aim to provide you with the basics on evaluating tech projects. With a track record of investing millions in tech initiatives, we're excited to share our expertise with the community through our courses. Additionally, we will introduce tech entrepreneurs seeking partners or assistance to amplify their existing success.

Join our Affiliate Program

Gain access to our marketing program, which allows you to begin earning commissions immediately!

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